Board Member Spotlight: Adey Nyamathi

Adey Nyamathi, PhD, ANP, FAAN
University of California, Irvine



What advice would you give your younger self?
Develop strong coping skills early on to prepare for when the going gets tough.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere my adult children and grandchildren may be.

What made you want to pursue a career in nursing?
The desire to promote caring and support; and improve health.

What book should every nurse read?
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

What has been your most interesting/surprising outcome while conducting nursing research?
How persons who have been forgotten by society (i.e., persons experiencing homelessness, criminal-justice involved) demonstrate leadership and accountability when given the authority and power.

What is a fun fact many people may not know about you?
I am first gen!!

About Adey
Dr. Adey Nyamathi is a highly respected researcher, academician, and a distinguished professor. Dr. Nyamathi has been the principal investigator in nine NIH-funded RO1s and other NIH grants funded by NIDA, NIAAA, NICHD, and NIAID. During her three decades of continuous RO1 NIH funding as a Principle Investigator, Dr. Nyamathi has conducted descriptive and randomized trials among vulnerable populations, including homeless, drug-addicted and incarcerated persons, gay/bisexual youth and men at risk for HIV/AIDS, and rural women living with AIDS in India. In her current NIH-funded study study with offenders, Dr. Nyamathi’s team is successfully working with women recently exiting jails and prisons to ensure they have access to psychological empowerment, health care services and life skills education needed to halt repeat drug use and incarcerations.

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