Board Member Spotlight: Cindy Munro

University of Miami School Of Nursing And Health Studies

What advice would you give your younger self?
Savor every experience along the way! And remember that relationships are the most important aspect of your professional and personal life; your relationships are the key to success.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere on or near the water- particularly anywhere we can stay on our boat, Tonic. 

What made you want to pursue a career in nursing?
In my freshman year of college as a pre-med student, I took a Cultural Anthropology class as an elective. For the field experience, I was assigned to work for a semester at Planned Parenthood. Nurse practitioners and registered nurses were the primary providers of care there. They were such a powerful force supporting women to be healthy and empowered, and their care was so holistic that I was hooked!

What book should every nurse read?
Notes on Nursing by Florence Nightingale.

What has been your most interesting/surprising outcome while conducting nursing research?
I am constantly surprised by outcomes of my studies! The purpose of research is never to prove that your ideas are "right"- instead, research should help us to understand the world better. The first 2 large R01s I conducted had outcomes very different from what I had predicted- but both studies informed nursing care!

What is a fun fact many people may not know about you?
I did a cage dive with great white sharks in South Africa. My life motto is "If it's both terrifying and amazing, you should definitely do it!" Being in the water with great whites was both.

What is your Twitter handle?


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