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Director's Message from Dr. Shannon Zenk

Dr. Shannon Zenk posted a new Director’s Message on beginning her tenure as director of the National Institute of Nursing Research. She highlights the role of nursing science in promoting and improving the health of the Nation as well as her thoughts on the future of nursing research.

Read the Full Director's Message Here

NINR Welcomes New Director, Dr. Shannon Zenk

On September 14, 2020, Shannon N. Zenk, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, joined NIH as the director of the National Institute of Nursing Research. Dr. Zenk will oversee the institute’s research and training programs. She is a registered nurse and leading nurse researcher, whose research focuses on social inequities and health with a goal of identifying effective, multilevel approaches to improve health and eliminate racial/ethnic and socioeconomic health disparities. 

You can read the full announcement here.

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NINR Artificial Intelligence Boot Camp Recording New Available

NINR’s 2020 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Boot Camp was held virtually on August 3-6, 2020. Recordings of the event are now available. The Boot Camp consisted of four sessions:

View Recordings Here

NCC Welcomes NINR Director, Shannon Zenk

On August 31, members of the Nursing Community Coalition sent a letter welcoming the new National Institute of Nursing Research’s (NINR) Director, Dr. Shannon Zenk. The NCC works with NINR by promoting the work of nurse scientists, advocating for investments in research and future researchers, and sharing the Institute’s foundational work to improve healthcare delivery across the care continuum. 

Read the full letter here

102nd Meeting of the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research

102nd Meeting of the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research
September 15, 2020
11:30 am - 1:30 pm ET

The next NACNR will be broadcast live to provide recommendations on the direction and support of the nursing, biomedical, social, and behavioral research that forms the evidence base for nursing practice. View the full agenda here.

Dr. Zenk to Speak at the State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research

Join NINR Director Designee, Dr. Zenk, among other nurse scientists that will be speaking at the 2020 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research on September 17-18.
NINR Opportunities
A Dialogue with Director Designee Dr. Shannon N. Zenk 
Opening Keynote
From Florence to Fossil Fuels: Nursing Has Always Been About Environmental Health
Linda A. McCauley

Closing Keynote
Healing the Acute Care Environment; Remedy 2020 
Martha A. Q. Curley

Register here

Register for the 2020 Virtual National Health Research Forum

Research!America 2020 Virtual National Health Research Forum
Straight Talk: Securing A Science-Strong Future
When: September 8-10

Topics include leading experts on the COVID-19 response, as well as special sessions looking at crucial topics such as COVID-19 vaccine development and vaccine confidence challenges, patient-centered research, health equity, clinical trials diversity, and the path to progress for diseases other than COVID-19. You can view the full agenda here.

Register here

NINR Virtual Workshop Tuesday, September 29

Innovative Models of Care for Reducing Inequities in Maternal Health
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
9:00 am  - 3:45 pm ET 

The workshop will explore how nurses, midwives, and birth companions can improve maternal and infant health, specifically for women in U.S. communities affected by structural and health inequalities. Registration not required. Learn more about this workshop here.


NIH Building Platform to Study COVID-19 Medical Records

The National Institutes of Health has launched a centralized, secure enclave to store and study vast amounts of medical record data from people diagnosed with coronavirus disease across the country. It is part of an effort, called the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), to help scientists analyze these data to understand the disease and develop treatments.

There currently are 35 collaborating sites across the country, and data access will be open to all users under a forthcoming NCATS Data Use Agreement (DUA), regardless of whether they contribute data.

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NINR Campaign: What Nursing Research Means to You

The World Health Organization has designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. 

In honor of the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, NINR would like your help in capturing what nursing research means to those who live it. This information will help NINR learn more from the community and collectively begin describing the next frontiers in nursing science. 

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NINR Acting Deputy Director Featured on American Academy of Neurology's podcast

NINR Acting Deputy Director, Dr. Jessica Gill and Dr. Kimbra Kenney of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, joined the American Academy of Neurology's podcast to discuss their research on neurofilament light chain as a biomarker following traumatic brain injury

Click here to listen.

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Register for NINR’s Artificial Intelligence Boot Camp

NINR's Artifical Intelligence Bootcamp
August 3 -6, 2020
Register here

Registration is now open for NINR's Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this event will be held virtually. 

Course Objectives

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RADx-UP to Speed up Delivery of COVID-19 Tests

RADx-Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) has improved access to and acceptance of COVID-19 testing for underserved populations. The goal is to make millions of tests available to Americans each week, especially those most vulnerable to and disproportionately affected by COVID-19. 

NIH has partnered with other government organizations including the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help achieve this goal.  

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Pre-application Webinars for RADx-UP Funding Opportunities

On June 12, 2020, the NIH published three Notices of Special Interest to solicit emergency competitive revision applications to existing awards and a fourth funding opportunity announcement for a Coordination and Data Collection Center to support the goals of the NIH RADx-UP program.

NIH is providing two pre-application webinars.

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COVID-19 & Nurse Scientists on the Front Line: Karen Monsen

Karen A Monsen, PhD, RN, FAMIA, FAAN 
University of Minnesota School of Nursing

Please describe your work with the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Together with 300+ participants from 10 countries and 35 states, I am leading the rapid development and deployment of encoded, evidence-based COVID-19 Response Guidelines. These guidelines are publicly available at and are available in our Omaha System Guidelines App available now at iTunes (and in review by Google). This guideline synthesizes evidence from over 100 sources, primarily from CDC, WHO, and other highly credible organizations; within 90 interventions for 25 roles from triage to midwifery. We are actively updating the guideline as new evidence emerges, which is a constant challenge. This is a great opportunity for nurses, scientists, students, and community members to have a role and a voice in ensuring that we have a way to describe, disseminate, and document evidence-based care to defeat COVID-19. 

Please give us information about your background and history as a nurse scientist. 
My research uses standardized nursing data and systems to improve the quality of care in home visiting interventions and outcomes. This research has been informed by 20 years of experience as a public health nurse and manager. I have developed a novel practice-based research network based on standardized nursing terminology data through the University of Minnesota Center for Nursing Informatics. This Omaha System Partnership research has been conducted by multidisciplinary research teams and international research teams with student principal- or co-investigators and community partner principal- or coinvestigators. This work forms the basis for comparative effectiveness research, to shape policy in knowledge management, and to educate students in contemporary health care practices. This uniquely situated research blends clinical and scholarly perspectives, adding rigor to clinical processes and relevance to scholarly inquiry, which results in a powerful and sustained impact on health care quality. 

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COVID-19 & Nurse Scientists on the Front Line: Robin Austin

Robin Austin, PhD, DNP, DC, RN-BC 
University of Minnesota, School of Nursing

Please describe your work with the COVID-19 pandemic.
This COVID-19 project is titled “Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19: Implementing Community Outreach Data Collection Tool to Engage Vulnerable Individuals with Low Socioeconomic Status and Inform Decision Makers on Needs of Population” using virtual outreach through web-based MyStrengths+MyHealthTM application. This project identifies and addresses the needs of this population to understand individual and community strengths, challenges, and needs (S-C-N) during the pandemic. We recognize there are multiple factors that influence individual and community health (i.e. social determinants of health); this often missing perspective is critical to provide a more complete picture of individual and community health. We will engage community voices and perspectives via a community advisory board to interpret and determine response to the data we collect.

Please give us information about your background and history as a nurse scientist.
My dissertation research highlighted the use of consumer-generated health data from the web-based health application, MyStrengths+MyHealth (MSMH). Along with my colleague and PhD advisor, Dr Karen Monsen, MSMH was developed to enable self-report of strengths, challenges, and needs using a simplified version of the Omaha System, a multi-disciplinary standardized health terminology. The feasibility and acceptability pilot test of the MyStrengths+MyHealth (MSMH) application at the Minnesota State Fair (2017) with over 380 participants was completed. The results showed it was feasible to collect participant self-report of strengths, challenges and needs data using MSMH. Participants found MSMH easy to use and liked the idea of being able to share health information from their own perspective and include strengths (assets) as part of that process. One of the most recent MSMH projects, Shifting the Opioid Conversation from Stigma to Strengths (S2S) showed that community members are interested in obtaining and using data that reveal a whole-person perspective, in order to facilitate communication and dialogue regarding opioid use disorder. This research provides a foundation to advance knowledge in the emerging field of whole-person strengths-based healthcare.

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COVID-19 & Nurse Scientists on the Front Line: Amy Knopf

Dr. Amy Knopf 
Assistant Professor, Indiana University School of Nursing

Please describe your work with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project 1: Pandemic Parenting Study 
We examine how Indiana mothers are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacts the family. Specifically, Dr. Jessica Calarco (IU, Department of Sociology) and I are identifying mothers’ preferred and trust sources of information about COVID-19, examining their understanding of the illness and its prevention, and documenting the extent to which they are following public health guidelines and Indiana’s stay at home orders. There will be three waves of data collection between April 2020 and February 2021. The first wave is now complete and data analysis is underway.

Project 2: Ethical considerations for digital contact tracing in the context of COVID-19: Implications for sexual and gender minority youth
I identify key ethical issues in digital contact tracing, especially for sexual and gender minorities. I am working with Simone Skeen to identify the ethical complexities that must be addressed to balance safety and privacy against public health goals, especially for marginalized LGBTQ adolescents. Knopf and Skeen are Co-chairs of the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions Bioethics Working Group, whose members are serving as expert informants for a paper.

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COVID-19 & Nurse Scientists on the Front Line: Lisa Lindley

Lisa C. Lindley, PhD, RN, FPCN, FAAN
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Please describe your work with the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a health services and policy researcher, my work during COVID-19 is to understand the new approaches to delivering pediatric end-of-life care.

Please give us information about your background and history as a nurse scientist. 
My nurse scientist career started in the doctoral program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Under the mentorship of Dr. Barbara Mark, I gained critical skills as a health services and policy researcher with the support of a NINR T32 predoctoral scholar and AHRQ R36 dissertation award. I found my passion for ensuring children at end of life have quality, accessible hospice care. NINR funding has assisted me in advancing the science of pediatric end-of-life care with K01 and R01 research awards. This work has improved access and quality of pediatric hospice care in an environment of federal and state regulations.

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COVID-19 & Nurse Scientists on the Front Line: Holli DeVon

Holli DeVon PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA
University of California, Los Angeles

Please describe your work with the COVID-19 pandemic.
I co-authored a manuscript that went to press on April 29, 2020 on "Current perspectives on Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and cardiovascular disease: A white paper by the JAHA editors." This paper may be informative for nurse researchers studying cardiovascular diseases at the basic, clinical, or epidemiological level.

Please give us information about your background and history as a nurse scientist.
I am the Associate Dean for Research at the UCLA School of Nursing. My research focuses on the symptoms of acute coronary syndrome. I have received more than $7 million in grant funding and received a Fulbright Scholar Award to Rwanda in 2018. I have been honored with several research and writing awards and has published more than 100 journal articles and am a founding editorial board member for the Journal of the American Heart Association.

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COVID-19 & Nurse Scientists on the Front Line: Ann Cary

Florida Gulf Coast University,Marieb College of Health and Human Services

Please describe your work with the COVID-19 pandemic.
I initiated the idea of assembling a University panel of health care faculty to address the public weekly in print, digital and broadcast media on separating facts from fears and working with our University communications department. Since doctorally-prepared faculty are part of this panel for weekly broadcasts on prime time news, it amplifies the role of nurses in health communication and health care.

Please give us information about your background and history as a nurse scientist.
My specialty is public health and credentialing research.
What else would you like the public to know about your role or the role of nurse scientists in the fight against COVID-19?
Doctorally-prepared nurses are essential to protecting and educating the public and are essential experts who protect the health of the public through communication and reinforcing behavioral change. 

If you would also like to share your story, you can do so by filling out this form