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Call for NINR Funded Studies to Present at FNINR's 2021 NightinGala

In the last year, the public has focused on scientific research more than ever, and at the 2020 NightinGala, we heard stories directly from nurse scientists on the frontlines of COVID-19 research. FNINR wants to continue honoring nurse scientists fighting for better health outcomes by presenting stories of NINR-funded research during the 2021 NightinGala.

If you are a nurse scientist working on an NINR-funded project and would like to share the story of your research, please fill out this brief form. Several of the submissions will be showcased during the 2021 NightinGala.

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Participate in the NIH HEAL Initiative Idea Exchange

The NIH Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative has opened an idea exchange to hear from the public. The goal is to crowdsource solutions to improve pain management and the prevention and treatment of opioid misuse and addiction. The comment period will close on June 1. Read more about this initiative here.

Registration for Research!America's Reaching the Peak: A Science & Technology Career Summit is Open

Registration is now open for Research!America's Reaching the Peak: A Science & Technology Career Summit. The Summit will be held on June 30 from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm ET. 

Sample topics include:

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Scholarship Opportunity for NCC Member to Attend NIWI

The Lois Capps Scholarship Fund provided by the Nursing Community Coalition recognizes the work of the Honorable Lois Capps by offering the opportunity for nurses to attend the Nurse in Washington Internship (NIWI) conference offered by the Nursing Organizations Alliance.

Applicants must be a nurse or nursing student AND a member of one of the NCC's organizations. 

Learn more and apply here 

2021 National Nursing Research Roundtable

National Nursing Research Roundtable
Nursing Research of the Future: Using Clinical Big Data to Explore Health Inequities and Social Determinants of Health
When: March 4-5 

Topics include:

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Dr. Shannon Zenk's Stephen E. Straus Distinguished Lecture is Now Available

A recording is now available for Dr. Zenk's lecture titled All Health Is Not Created Equal: Where You Live Matters. Her lecture social determinants of health and how vital integrative or multilevel approaches are when addressing health inequities. You can access the video here:

Summary of NINR Workshop: "Workshop on Innovative Models of Care for Reducing Inequities in Maternal Health" Now Available

In fall 2020, NINR held a virtual workshop on innovative models of care for reducing inequities in maternal health.

The workshop explored how healthcare providers can improve maternal and infant health for women in U.S. communities affected by racial discrimination, socioeconomic inequities and other system level factors that contribute to maternal health inequities.

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NIH Awards over $107 Million to Support Innovative Approaches to COVID-19 Testing and Surveillance

NIH awarded over $107 million to support innovative approaches to COVID-19 testing and surveillance. This will support over 40 research projects and grant supplements at 43 institutions. 

NINR is supporting the following awards through the RADx initiative:

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NIH Launches Funding Opportunities to Recruit Diverse Research Faculty

NIH is providing funding opportunities to recruit diverse research faculty. Applications for the Funding Opportunity Announcements are due March 1, 2021, with awards to be announced in 2021. 

You can read the NIH press release on these funding announcements here: NIH to fund cohort recruitment and development program to enhance diversity and inclusion among biomedical faculty.

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Congress Passes Bipartisan Year-End Spending and COVID-19 Relief Bill

On December 22, 2020, AACN announced that Congress passed H.R. 133 the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. This will provide COVID-19 relief and funds the federal government for the remainder of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. You can read the full AACN press release below. 

AACN Press Release


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Board Member Spotlight: Cindy Munro

University of Miami School Of Nursing And Health Studies

What advice would you give your younger self?
Savor every experience along the way! And remember that relationships are the most important aspect of your professional and personal life; your relationships are the key to success.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere on or near the water- particularly anywhere we can stay on our boat, Tonic. 

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Deadline for Excellence in Achievement in Public Health Awards is December 2!

Nominations are open for Research!America's four Excellence in Achievement in Public Health awards.

The awards will be presented during the virtual event on April 14, 2021. The deadline for nominations is December 2, 2020. Click here for more information. 

Nominate Here

Research!America Shares Survey Concerning Public Support for Nursing Research

Almost one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are showing their support for placing a high priority on improving our nation’s public health system. 73% of Americans say the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that major changes are needed in our public health system, including more funding. You can view the results of the survey here.


NINR's GPP 2021 Applications Now Open

NINR is now accepting applications for its 2021 Graduate Partnerships Program (GPP). The GPP is an Institutional Partnership that combines the academic environment of a university with the comprehensive research resources available at NIH. 

Those selected conduct doctoral coursework at the partnership university. After all coursework is completed, the fellow then comes to the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, to begin research toward a doctoral dissertation. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, December 1, 2020. Three letters of reference are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, December 3, 2020. Click here for more information.

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NINR Provides Insight on Palliative Care

NINR is the lead Institute on end-of-life care at NIH. In honor of National Family Caregivers Month and National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, NINR is discussing Palliative care and its critical role of maintaining quality of life at any stage of illness, not just at the end of life. NINR provided science-based resources that are designed to support individuals, families, clinicians, and communities who are managing the symptoms of serious illnesses and planning for end-of-life decisions. 

NINR published "What is Palliative Care?" to help answer questions for patients and families. You can find more resources here:

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NINR Taking Applications for Director, Division of Extramural Science Programs

NINR's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is accepting applications for the position of Director, Division of Extramural Science Programs (DESP). This division develops proposals for new research initiatives and manages the funding programs that support nursing research to attain program objectives. 

The Director would work closely with the NINR Director in shaping the vision and direction of the Institute through strategic planning, priority setting, and coordinating resources to implement these plans and priorities.

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Board Member Spotlight: Victoria Niederhauser

Victoria Niederhauser, DrPH, RN, PPCNP-BC, FAAN
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

What advice would you give your younger self?
Follow your passion, seek first to understand, and balance action with patience.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Hawaii! I had the great fortune to live in Hawaii for 22 years and love returning to the islands to visit friends and my favorite places.

What made you want to pursue a career in nursing?
From the time I can remember, I wanted to be a nurse. I think this decisive career pathway was developed through the role models in my life. My grandfather was a surgeon, my mom a physical therapist and my aunt was a pediatric nurse. In the 1950’s my aunt left Babies Hospital in New York City to become a nurse in Alaska. She travel throughout the state, lived in rural villages, and started her own business to help people do a better job of parenting children. She lived a life of personal and professional adventure; her stories and experiences inspired me to want that kind of career and life for myself. Early in my career, I came to realize the impact nurses can have on children and families. And I loved the tremendous resilience that children have managing and coping with illness. When I became a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, I knew that I could influence the health and well-being of children and families through my wellness teaching and guidance. What could be more gratifying than setting a child on the right path to a life of health and wellness? Throughout out my entire career opportunities to take amazing roles presented themselves to me, like becoming a nurse educator. After I completed my Master’s degree and pediatric nurse practitioner program (PNP), I traveled across the country and ended up in Hawaii. Initially, I was seeking a position as a PNP, but no positions were open (at that time, only 2 PNP were employed on the islands). I happened to see an ad in the newspaper for a nursing faculty at the University of Hawaii, I interviewed and was hired on the spot! After my first semester teaching eager nursing students, I realized that I really enjoyed the privilege of influencing the next generation of nurses. The autonomy of the position, the ability to be creative, and the variety of the work day also were very appealing to me. Within 6 months of starting to teach nursing, I was hired as a part-time PNP and continued to practice as a PNP and have a faculty appointment throughout my career.

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NINR Graduate Partnership Program 2021 Now Open for Applications

The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) is now accepting applications for its 2021 Graduate Partnerships Program. The NINR GPP is an Institutional Partnership that combines the academic environment of a university with the comprehensive research resources available at the NIH. 

To be eligible for the GPP, applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and have completed all doctoral coursework before joining the NINR GPP. Applicants must also submit an up-to-date curriculum vitae. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

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AAN Selects Dr. Paule V. Joseph for 2020 Class of Fellows

Dr. Paule V. Joseph has been selected by the American Academy of Nursing as one of 230 distinguished nurse leaders to join their 2020 Class of Fellows. 

Dr. Joseph PhD, MS, FNP-BC, RN, CTN-B is a Tenure-Track Investigator and Chief of the Sensory Science and Metabolism Unit (SenSMet) in the NINR Division of Intramural Research. Her topics of research include chemosensory symptoms and metabolic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and related comorbidities. She will be recognized at the Academy’s annual Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference, taking place virtually October 29-31, 2020. You can view the full announcement here

NCC Reiterates COVID-19 Priorities to Congress

On August 18, fifty-eight members of the Nursing Community Coalition reiterated in a letter to House and Senate Leadership and key Congressional Committees outlining their shared priorities for any COVID-19 legislative package working its way through Congress. These requests include bolstering efforts to protect all nurses on the front lines, increasing funding for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs, supporting nursing education infrastructure and research, strengthening investments in public health, and promoting access to telehealth. 

Read the full letter here